Inarticulate Definition Lord Of The Flies

In William Golding’s classic novel, “Lord of the Flies,” inarticulate definition lord of the flies takes center stage, shedding light on the profound impact of ineffective communication on the human psyche. This literary exploration delves into the characters’ inability to express themselves, unraveling the consequences that arise from their linguistic shortcomings.

Throughout the novel, Golding masterfully portrays the descent into chaos and savagery that occurs when a group of young boys are stranded on a deserted island. As they struggle to establish order and maintain civilization, their inability to communicate effectively becomes a catalyst for their downfall.


Inarticulate definition lord of the flies

Define “inarticulate” in the context of “Lord of the Flies.”

In the context of William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies,” “inarticulate” refers to the inability of certain characters to express their thoughts and feelings effectively through language. This inarticulateness is often a result of fear, isolation, and a lack of adult guidance.

Explain the significance of this term in the novel.

Inarticulateness plays a significant role in the novel, as it contributes to the breakdown of order and the rise of savagery among the boys stranded on the island. It prevents them from communicating effectively, cooperating, and building a functioning community.

Inarticulate Characters: Inarticulate Definition Lord Of The Flies

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Jack Merridew

Jack is the leader of the hunters and represents the savage instincts within the group. He is often unable to express his emotions and resorts to violence as a means of communication.


Simon is a sensitive and intuitive boy who struggles to communicate his insights and visions to the others. His inarticulateness leads to his isolation and eventual death.


Piggy is an intelligent and rational boy who is often mocked and ridiculed for his physical appearance and intellectualism. His inarticulateness stems from his fear of being excluded and his inability to assert himself.

Causes of Inarticulateness

Inarticulate definition lord of the flies


The isolation of the boys on the island deprives them of adult guidance and support. This lack of socialization hinders their ability to develop effective communication skills.


The constant threat of danger and the fear of the unknown lead to heightened emotions and a loss of rational thought, making it difficult for the boys to express themselves clearly.

Lack of Adult Guidance

The absence of adult authority figures leaves the boys without models for appropriate behavior and language use. This lack of guidance contributes to their regression into primitive instincts.

Impact of Inarticulateness on Society

Breakdown of Order, Inarticulate definition lord of the flies

Inarticulateness undermines the boys’ ability to communicate effectively, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a breakdown of social order.

Rise of Savagery

The inability to express themselves verbally leads the boys to resort to physical violence as a means of resolving conflicts, resulting in a descent into savagery.

Undermines Cooperation

Inarticulateness prevents the boys from cooperating and working together to build a functioning community, as they are unable to articulate their needs and plans.

Symbolism of Inarticulateness

Loss of Innocence

Inarticulateness represents the loss of innocence and the regression to primitive instincts. As the boys become more savage, their ability to communicate effectively diminishes.

Civilization versus Savagery

Inarticulateness symbolizes the conflict between civilization and savagery. The boys’ inability to express themselves through language reflects their rejection of reason and their embrace of primal instincts.

Comparison to Other Works

Inarticulate definition lord of the flies

“Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

The inarticulate characters in “Lord of the Flies” are similar to those in Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness,” who struggle to convey the horrors they have witnessed in the Congo.

“The Road” by Cormac McCarthy

In “The Road,” the characters’ inarticulateness is a result of the post-apocalyptic world they inhabit, where language has lost its meaning and communication has become primitive.

FAQ Section

What is the significance of inarticulateness in “Lord of the Flies”?

Inarticulateness in “Lord of the Flies” symbolizes the loss of innocence and the regression to primitive instincts. It undermines the boys’ ability to cooperate and build a functioning community, leading to the breakdown of order and the rise of savagery.

How does inarticulateness affect the characters in “Lord of the Flies”?

Inarticulateness prevents the characters from expressing their thoughts and feelings effectively. This leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a general inability to work together. As a result, the characters become isolated and unable to maintain a civilized society.

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